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Dogs in water

Dog Days Of Summer: Of Seizure & Emotional Support Dogs

While dogs can be fun, cute, furry companions as a household pet, their level of intelligence is often underestimated. With the proper training, any dog can help improve the lives of people who have disabilities or disorders, such as epilepsy. These types of service animals

The Road to Personalized Treatment is Real-World Data

Clinical trials have a bias problem.  Most participants of clinical trials–which lay the foundation for drugs approvals–skew heavily white and male. It’s an important concern: clinical trials help formalize the safety and efficacy of a drug, along with its dosage. In plain terms, they lay

Rural Challenges in Epilepsy

Living with epilepsy is challenging enough on its own, but living in a rural area without reliable access to medical care can add a whole host of additional hurdles to receiving adequate treatment. Having reliable access to medical care is crucial in managing a chronic

Epilepsy and Memory Impairment

For many people living with epilepsy, memory impairments are an all-too-common reality.  They’re obvious barriers to a person’s general quality of life. But in terms of managing seizures, memory impairments also make it hard to track and recall how many seizures one had in the

Mental Health Disorders and Epilepsy

Mental health disorders are often a complicated conundrum for clinicians to diagnose and treat, especially when factoring in a coexisting neurological condition like epilepsy. Unfortunately, people with epilepsy have an increased risk of several mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder—also known as